James is now about 4.2-5.8 pounds (probably closer to 5ish by now based on previous ultrasounds) and about 17 inches long. My ribs definitely feel his legs stretching. This morning he was pushing his butt up, making my belly a very odd shape. So silly! James is either a Durian (a really ugly and creepy-looking fruit) or a pineapple (again).
His breathing and sucking are continuing to develop and his bones are hardening. His pupils constrict, dilate, and detect light. James's brain is growing, but I'm convinced he's stealing all of my brain cells. :)
We've had a very busy week! My baby shower was on Saturday and it was so much fun. James and I were completely spoiled, and the food was amazing. It was so nice of friends and family to travel to celebrate little James with us. Katie and Michele put so much work into the shower, and I can't thank them enough for that. It was just perfect!
A week ago I had another OB appointment. It went great! My mom was able to come with me, and the doctor was nice enough to do a little ultrasound so she could see James. His head is too low to see (the doctor originally thought he wasn't head down...then realized his head was just so low she couldn't see it from the angle of the ultrasound), but we got to see his torso and legs, and he confirmed that he is indeed a boy. We were able to see his ribs, which was awesome-I've never seen those in previous ultrasounds. His bones are getting so big and strong! I also had another nonstress test on Wednesday, and James was perfect. He definitely doesn't like having the monitor on my belly and kicked it throughout the entire test, but we were able to get a good 30-minute reading. The nurse rechecked my fluid levels and they're within the normal limits now-yay! They're on the high side of normal, so they will continue to monitor them, but that's a relief.
I can definitely feel James getting heavier and longer. His movements are not so much "kicks" anymore because he can't stretch and move around as much-space is getting tight! My breathing is much more labored, and I find myself waddling more each day. It is harder to get comfortable, but I'm still able to get a decent amount of sleep most nights. I'm enjoying that while I can. :) I feel huge most days, but that's par for the course at this point...and I have a pretty good reason. I am still having nausea but am getting sick every other day or so, which isn't too bad. I have been craving more sweets...but that could have something to do with the Girl Scout cookies in the pantry.
It has been so much fun to have my mom visiting us, and I'm sad to see her leave tomorrow after our childbirth class and hospital tour. The next time she visits us will be after James is born. Oh my goodness! Time is flying by. I'm going to miss being pregnant and feeling him move, but can't wait for Matt to be able to hold his son, and for his grandma and grandpas and aunts and uncles to meet him.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
So excited for you Jillian!!!!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteThank you!! :)
DeleteYou will be holding baby James before you know it! You have carefully prepared for his arrival. The nursery looks awesome and the dresser drawers are full of cute & cozy outfits! I really enjoyed the class we took together at Portsmouth Navy Medical Center. Many of your Florida friends have enjoyed seeing your baby shower photo book! Rest and continue to drink lots of water. Sending you hugs, Mutti