At this stage, our baby is the size of a raspberry! Still small, but huge compared to the tiny mustard seed it was a few weeks ago!
Our first ob/gyn appointment is October 9, which seems like it's 928509825987 years away. It's not. It's really only 15 days away. I know I'll need to be more patient when baby comes, so maybe this is giving me a head start? :) We won't get an ultrasound at that appointment because it's a group appointment where we fill out paperwork and get educated on what to eat, how to exercise, etc. I want an ultrasound, and have never wanted something so much. Seeing our baby and/or hearing it's heartbeat will alleviate so many of my fears and concerns. Because we have Tricare (military health insurance), things work a little differently, but I'm grateful that we have such great insurance....I just wish we could get an ultrasound sooner! :)
I am feeling so sick sick sick. Nausea/Vomiting is horrible, but will be worth it! I'm recovering from a stubborn sinus infection, which isn't helping my energy levels (which are pretty much non-existent). It's nice to be able to justify my exhaustion the past few weeks! Looking back, there were so many signs that I didn't put together-a missed period (although that is not *that* unusual for me), fatigue (sleeping 12 or more hours a day), boobs that feel like they were used as a punching bag, and hormonal changes affecting my skin and hair (read: more oil). There were also the classing cravings (for me, hot sauce or buffalo sauce-we were at Subway a few weeks ago and I had to add about 4 tablespoons of hot sauce to my sub), heartburn (most likely caused by said cravings), and I am convinced my mother-in-law knew before we did because she said I had a glow about a week before we found out. Mothers know these things. My feet have also been really sweaty, but I get colder easier. Strange things, those hormones.
How I found out: I went to the doctor on Thursday, September 20, because my sinus infection wasn't getting better after a round of antibiotics, and my nausea/vomiting was getting worse. I had told Michele about it, and asked what she thought of me getting a pregnancy test. She said it couldn't hurt. I had taken many at-home pregnancy tests before we were told it wasn't an option for us. I was going to the doctor anyway, so they might as well check, right? When the nurse practitioner told me I was pregnant, I almost fainted. It took about five minutes for me to be able to speak coherently. Then I immediately felt like the worst person in the world for having wine a few nights before, and worried about how some of my current medications would affect the baby. I've switched to some more baby-friendly meds for certain conditions (thyroid, PCOS, asthma), but had to go off of my gout medicine. Hopefully I won't have any painful flare-ups! That will encourage me to eat better, too, though.
Telling Matt was one of the most exciting things I've ever done. I bought a Navy camo onesie on base (right after my doctor's appointment), and had him close his eyes when I got home. And yes, I made sure he was sitting down. When he opened them, he wasn't sure what to think. Initially he thought it was a dog costume (which I have been known to buy.....oops), then said "That's cute." I waiting a second, then told him he's going to be a daddy, and that I'm pregnant. He asked "Are you serious?" (that'd be a horrible joke) about 15 times, then his eyes watered and he gave me a hug. Then he paced for two hours, not knowing what to do with himself, but grinning ear to ear.
We have only told our family and close friends at this point because we are only 8 weeks along (7 weeks when we told most people last Thursday). That was one of the best days of my life, especially because it was so unexpected due to my infertility issues. Everyone is so excited for us, which makes us feel so loved! I think we will post it on facebook once we get an ultrasound and/or once we get into the second trimester. I am super happy to be back in Virginia so close to family and friends, and closer to my family in Florida. This will be the first grandchild for both of our parents. I wish my family lived closer, but am happy that we're on the same coast! Our baby will be very involved with family. That's the spice of life! Matt's cousin Travis and his beautiful wife, Jenna, live about ten minutes down the road with their two daughters, and one of Matt's aunts lives in town, too! Wow, I am really overusing exclamation points in this post. I am just so HAPPY! :)
We are down to one dog again, because our small dog, Tux, was not good with children. We didn't know that when we adopted him, but found out the hard way when 4-year-old Cameryn came to our house and Tux went crazy (Sorry, Cammie!). He is at a cozy shelter, and I know he will bring lots of love (and craziness) to someone else or another family. Sirius, our black lab, is wonderful with children and babies, and all-around just the perfect dog. :) Taking him on walks is great exercise for all of us!
(Auntie Katie took this picture!)
I've learned that I can only keep down toast in the morning, and as the day progresses I have to gauge what I can eat that day. Some days are much better than others. We went to the Cheesecake Factory with Matt's parents on Saturday, and I ordered a pasta dish that was AMAZING, and I kept most it down. That made me very happy. Oh, so good. Just thinking about that lunch makes me salivate. Thanks again, mom and dad! :) At this point, it's a balance between what I CAN eat (due to nutrition as well as dietary restrictions from gout) and what I WANT to eat (due to nausea and/or cravings). I'm more focused on keeping food down at this point. I'm also eating smaller portions more frequently. Once the nausea subsides in a few weeks (hopefully!), I'll be able to focus more on nutrition and exercise.
Please pray for the health of the baby and I, and Matt's sanity.
Future blog posts will be shorter (........hopefully), but thanks for reading this essay! <3
Love, love, love the blog! Can't wait for the next post! <3 Aunt Kitty...or just Aunt Katie. But I kinda want to be Aunt Kitty?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteHaha, whatever you want!!! :) <3