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Friday, November 16, 2012

14 Weeks, 3 Days

I'm a member of an online forum for mommies, and part of a sub-forum for women due in May. This has been a great resource for me to learn about pregnancy, babies, and motherhood in general. You can personalize your "signature" (what members see underneath each post), and I requested for a graphic to be made. I love this!!! :)

My appointment on Wednesday went perfectly! I got to see baby for about 10 seconds. First (s)he was facing the front (head on), then moved to the side. Baby was very wiggly! I can definitely start to feel him/her now, especially when my bladder is full (gross, I know). The heart rate was 160, which is perfect, and (s)he has gotten so much bigger! The OB referred to the baby as "he" but it's common for doctors and techs to refer to all babies as one gender, so I'm not reading too much into that. All of the testing I've gotten done over the past few weeks came back perfect-woohoo! :) I could've have asked for a better appointment (ok, maybe a picture of the ultrasound would've been nice, but the OB was just doing it to check the heart rate). She said I have carpal tunnel (nothing new, but pregnancy aggravates it), and I will be going to a physical therapy class for pregnant women having back pain in December. I was supposed to go this morning, but my nausea and vomiting was just too bad - there was no way I could be in a moving vehicle. 

We have an ultrasound at the private place down the road December first, and we're so excited to have Matt's family join us! We're hoping to find out the gender that day, as long as baby cooperates, but regardless, it will be awesome to see our little one again. Matt hasn't seen baby in utero since the ER visit a while ago. I'll have another "official" ultrasound at the hospital in mid December, called the anatomy scan, where they will confirm the gender and make sure baby is healthy. My next OB appointment is December 12. 

The 6 weeks will be busy! We have Thanksgiving, my mom is coming on Monday (WOOHOO!), appointments, classes, and friends coming down to visit us. And, of course, CHRISTMAS! We already put up our tree, and it's beautiful. We got a set of four stocking hangers, so baby will have one next year. (Yes, Sirius has his own stocking because he's such a ham.) 

I am really hoping my nausea/vomiting dissipates so I can enjoy all of the delicious Thanksgiving food next week. Matt has been so sweet and helpful. He's the best. I can't wait until he's a daddy. :)

We're going to the Norfolk Admirals hockey game tomorrow-baby's first sporting event! I'm thinking (s)he won't remember much of it, though. 

Happy Friday!

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