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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

29 Weeks, 1 Day

I can't believe we're almost to 30 weeks. Well, we may be already, but still. 30 weeks! 75% complete. (Beep boop, robot sounds.)

According to baby websites, James is now 2.5-3.5 pounds and about 15-17 inches long, the size of a...

Butternut squash! Or, an...

Acorn squash! Let's just call him a Buttercorn squash this week to even it out.

His bones are growing and hardening each day and he is using more calcium. His muscles are also developing, and I can feel him getting stronger every minute (ok, not really, but it seems that way). James's brain is getting bigger to accomodate all that intelligence he's getting from his daddy. His sense of taste is developing and he can respond to pain (awwwww).

At this point, books and websites (and my doctor) say that if baby's movements decrease, I need to go to the doctor. That is most certainly something I do not need to worry about. He moves all. the. time. now. Maybe he's kicking in his sleep? Either way, it's making sleep for me harder. (Yes, grandmas, I know, I "should get used to it.") The third trimester has been truly exhausting, so I want to get as much sleep as I can before little James is born! He is still lying very low and I believe he is head up, feet down right now (like he's standing up). He's starting to smush up more as he grows, though. I can't wait to see him again at my ultrasound on Monday.

I also have another OB appointment Friday. I believe I'll start going every 2 weeks now, and will go in for fetal monitoring more frequently, as well.

I am getting very uncomfortable and counting down the days until I get to meet our precious baby boy (only 76 days to go!!). I love being able to grow our blessed little miracle and feel him kick, but the side effects are not very pleasant. It is a lot easier to take care of him when he's in utero than after birth, though. He will be worth it. :)

March will be a very busy (but fun) month! Maternity photo session, doctor's appointments, 3 classes, my mom's visit, and my baby shower. Time is flying by. It will be April, then May, and before we know it, we'll be parents. <3

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

28 Weeks, 1 Day (ish)

James is continuing to grow stronger, develop more brain cells (I'm convinced he's just taking mine, though), putting on more weight in the form of body fat, and his eyelashes have come in. Matt has incredible eyelashes (sorry, honey, but it's true!) so I bet James will have lovely eyelashes, as well. His senses are continuing to develop and his ability to hear and sense light are improving. I also notice that when I move he is more active, so his sense of motion must be getting better. That's not a good thing for middle of the night potty trips, because then it's hard to get him to calm down again. Is this a sign of what's to come? We might be in trouble!

We're in the 28th week now (or 29th, if the due date is changed), so either way we are definitely in the third trimester now. :)

Based on his kicks and movements, I believe he spends most of his time with his feet down and head near all my organs that he's smushing aside or sideways. I haven't felt kicks or punches in my ribs for a while. I hope this doesn't mean that he will be breech baby! He kicked me right as I typed that...what is he trying to say? :) His kicks are continuing to get stronger and are quite painful in certain areas. I feel pressure on my stomach/diaphragm/lungs, so either his head is up higher or my uterus has grown so much that my organs are just moving up more. Or both, I guess.

James is about 2 1/4 pound right now (not true, but we'll just go with what the baby development websites say) and almost 15 inches. 15 inches!!! He's about 75% there, lengthwise. Good job, James. He's the size of a Chinese Cabbage (we are politically correct on this blog...but really, that's what the website says-a Chinese Cabbage, not any old regular cabbage):

Or an Eggplant:
I've always found eggplant to be such a strange looking food. 
I enjoy eating it, but it is just so...strange. 

One awesome thing about his movements/kicks is that Matt can feel them very easily now. The other morning he felt them for about 15 minutes and couldn't believe how wiggly James was! He thinks he plays the drums in utero. I think he's right. When Matt's parents were in town Saturday they both got to feel James, which was awesome. Eric felt him and said that now the pregnancy is confirmed. We weren't lying after all! Ha. So funny. Maria started tearing up. I know my momma is really looking forward to being able to feel James when she visits in March. Last time she was here I was 15 weeks pregnant so she couldn't feel him (and I could barely feel him).

Speaking on Saturday...I had lunch plans to meet with Matt's cousin and my friend Danielle, at Olive Garden. I arrived 20 minutes early, because I can't be late to something even if I try, and almost ruined their big surprise of a a baby shower! It was Danielle, Dee (Maria's sister, Danielle's mom), and Maria. It was so nice of them and quite lovely. We are so spoiled already! James is going to be one well taken care of baby. Danielle and Dee live down here in VA Beach, and won't be able to make it to the shower in March. It was nice to spend time with them and catch up. Plus, James loves the Tour of Italy (Matt gets the lasagna).

My heartburn and acid reflux have been much worse this past week, so I started sleeping sort of sitting up. That hurts my back, but if I lie down the reflux is worse. It's a no-win situation. I've also been nauseous and vomiting frequently, which ties in to my increased levels of fatigue. I feel like I could just sleep all day sometimes. With Matt working nights and sleeping during the day, I find myself lying in bed with him reading while he is sleeping. Sometimes I fall asleep. I'm so lucky to be able to sleep during the day and not work right now. Working would also add major stress that I don't want to add!

This is an interesting article on stress during pregnancy: How to Ruin a Royal Pregnancy. I've been trying to keep my stress levels low. This isn't to say that pregnant women should be worshiped or not have to lift a finger, but it's nice to remember that a pregnant woman goes through a lot both emotionally and physically, and it's best to minimize the stress or anxiety she feels. Mood swings don't always follow that logic, unfortunately. I have been more emotional than usual this week. Poor Matt (and my mom).

Cassie and Zach's baby girl, Emerson Rian, was born on Saturday, February 16, at 8:32 PM. YAY! We are so happy for them and their beautiful family. She weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 20 inches long. She made her mom work hard, but it was worth it! She is a very happy and alert baby with a beautiful head of blonde hair. Cassie said she didn't cry at all when she was born (but was very alert and healthy).

I love her little expression here! Cassie posted this on facebook after her first bath. What a trooper! I think she looks like her mommy. 

I took a Lamaze class yesterday (and am taking the second part tomorrow). It's interesting, and I really like the instructor. There are some things I could go without learning about (like the hook they use to break a woman's water) but it's good information. There are two other women in my class. I'm leaning towards getting an epidural, but figure learning breathing and visualization techniques can't hurt. Plus, the class is free, so why not? I sat on an exercise ball and it felt sooo good. Might need to get one of those for labor! Also, I want a plastic or wooden back massager...something like this. I think I'll add this to the registry, actually. I'm going to need to start packing my hospital bag soon. Woohoo! 

I hope everyone has a great week! 

Much love from our family to yours. <3

Thursday, February 14, 2013

27 Weeks, 2 Days (ish)

I'm finding it harder to be excited about the weeks when I'm not really sure what week I'm really at, but I'm still more excited than ever for baby James!

According to random baby websites, James should be about 2 pounds now (which is the same thing they said last week, what?) and is 14.5 inches long. One website said he's the size of a cauliflower (which is gross, so I won't post a picture, and we've already had a cauliflower size reference before) and the other says he's the size of a rutabaga...which he was a couple of weeks ago. There's not much consistency here.

James is definitely more active in the mornings, and his brain tissues and little lungs are continue to develop. He is opening and closing his eyes and may even be sucking on his fingers already.

This past week feels like the first trimester, exhaustion-wise. Oh. My. Gosh. I am just tired all the time! My nausea has been worse the past week, but I'm not sure why. It will be worth it.

There are some doctors/books/websites that say the third trimester starts at 26 weeks, others at 27, and still others at 28. So, I'm just considering myself in the third trimester now because I'm probably further than 27 weeks anyway. YAY third trimester! :) We got this, James!

He's not upside down yet (he is still kicking my left side/hip) but is rotating more instead of just staying sideways. I think he's running out of room! I can't sleep more than an hour or two at a time because of the pressure on my bladder. He's prepping me for that whole "no sleep" thing. This morning I got some tests done and my Tdap vaccine. We're right on schedule for a happy and healthy baby!

Happy almost-Friday!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

26 Weeks, 2 Days (maybe?)

James's hearing is continue to develop, and he's breathing in amniotic fluid to prep him for breathing air. His little eyes will open soon, if they haven't already, and he is more sensitive to light and sound. He starts wiggling when I play country music. I think it's because he loves it (after all, it makes me happy) but Matt thinks it's because he doesn't like it and wants it to stop. It's worth noting that Matt doesn't like country music, so he's biased.

He's supposedly 14 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds (typical for a 26 week old baby), but we know he's longer and weighs more. It's looking like he's further along, as mentioned in the last post. The earlier I get to hold my precious baby, the better! Except not right now. He needs to incubate a tad longer. I'd rather be able to hold him in early May than mid May, but I'll wait until whenever he's ready.

One website says he's the size of an English Hothouse Cucumber. Not just any old english cucumber, but a hothouse cucumber. OoOooOooOooOoooh.
Another website says he's the size of a head of lettuce.

Without the dressing.

In real baby time, here's what he looks like (but a tad bigger):
Things are getting more cramped in there (and my lungs/stomach/intestines/every cell in my torso can feel it), but he's getting stronger every day. It's amazing, but man, can his little kicks/punches hurt! Especially when they're on my ribs, bladder, or cervix. Those are off limits, buddy. 

I had an OB checkup today, and everything looks great. My weight and BP are exactly where they should be (I'm still weighing less than I did before I conceived, but I'm keeping more food down, yay!), and his heart rate was 165. That's higher than it was at the ultrasound, but still normal. Also, I found out that my placenta is in the back on the bottom. He likes to lay on top of it. I guess it's like a pillow to him? My next appointment is in 3 weeks, and my next ultrasound is a few days after that. I'll start going to the OB and getting scans more frequently to check on his progress, but so far things are looking wonderful.

Sirius has started lying his head on my belly more. Think he knows? :) I think so.

Lots of love from our family to yours!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Anatomy Scan, Part 2

The second half of the anatomy scan this morning went well. Baby James looks perfectly healthy! He also has big feet, and kept putting his feet up by his nose. He weighs 2 pounds, 5 ounces, which puts him in the 64th percentile, and is measuring 10 days ahead (for a due date of May 4). I don't know if you remember, but my initial due date was May 4 based on my last was moved to May 14 based on his early measurements, but as he gets bigger his measurements are more accurate. Last ultrasound he was measuring a week or so ahead, so this isn't a big surprise, and is a good thing. For women with hypertension issues, their babies tend to be small, so it's good that he's so big and healthy! It's also good that my hypertension is borderline and not severe. My next ultrasound will be March 4. If he's still measuring ahead then they'll consider changing my due date, but in the long run it doesn't really matter...James will come when he's ready! I started crying when I saw his profile. He's just so wonderful. 

The picture isn't that great, but you can sort of see his head (on the right, facing up) and the little bubble thing above his chin is the umbilical cord.

Also, based on our May 14 due date, we only have 99 days to go!! 

Happy Monday!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

You know what I love?

Baby hiccups. Seriously. They are cuteness to the power of ten. James has a reflex whenever he has hiccups-he stretches out his legs. Which, of course, because I'm his mommy, is the cutest thing in the history of the entire universe.

I love our little son more than anything in the world. And I haven't even met him yet. It's just awesomely crazy. <3

That is all. :)