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Monday, February 4, 2013

Anatomy Scan, Part 2

The second half of the anatomy scan this morning went well. Baby James looks perfectly healthy! He also has big feet, and kept putting his feet up by his nose. He weighs 2 pounds, 5 ounces, which puts him in the 64th percentile, and is measuring 10 days ahead (for a due date of May 4). I don't know if you remember, but my initial due date was May 4 based on my last was moved to May 14 based on his early measurements, but as he gets bigger his measurements are more accurate. Last ultrasound he was measuring a week or so ahead, so this isn't a big surprise, and is a good thing. For women with hypertension issues, their babies tend to be small, so it's good that he's so big and healthy! It's also good that my hypertension is borderline and not severe. My next ultrasound will be March 4. If he's still measuring ahead then they'll consider changing my due date, but in the long run it doesn't really matter...James will come when he's ready! I started crying when I saw his profile. He's just so wonderful. 

The picture isn't that great, but you can sort of see his head (on the right, facing up) and the little bubble thing above his chin is the umbilical cord.

Also, based on our May 14 due date, we only have 99 days to go!! 

Happy Monday!

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