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Monday, July 8, 2013

Baby James is 2 months old

It's amazing how time flies by. James used to be a little 8 pound baby with no neck or body control, limited vision, and a propensity for pooping all.the.time. He still poops all the time, but he has grown so much. His personality is starting to show through. He's impatient and stubborn like his mommy and curious like his daddy. He loves to be held, rocked, and patted, and hates being put in the car seat-but loves car rides. He is now 12 pounds, 6.6 ounces (as of July 2), 23 inches long, tracks objects with his eyes much better, his fine motor control skills are improving every day, and he is smiling. He sleeps through air shows, fireworks, and shattering glass, but wakes up if I cough. He loves blowing spit bubbles and having his chin and cheeks tickled. Our little boy is already turning into a little man! He is in the 84th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. He is all cheeks and chin and has almost no neck. During bath time we occasionally see it, but Matt says it's an optical illusion.

Happy 2 month birthday, buddy!

Hangin' with the ape.

He is sleeping better and going 4-6 hours between feedings at night. During the day he takes naps, and he is much less fussy thanks to Zantac. His reflux was causing him a lot of discomfort, so I'm glad we were able to find something to help him. We tried gripe water (helps with hiccups...sometimes), gas drops (did nothing for him), thickening the milk in a bottle with rice cereal and a smidgen of formula (didn't work, and the latter gave him a diaper rash) and a variety of positions for feeding, burping, and sleeping. We're finally starting to get the hang of this whole "parenting" thing and getting into a routine.  Sort of. Oh, and we're getting peed on during diaper changes less often (a cloth diaper over his nether-regions while doing a diaper change=best idea ever from my friend Sherri!). The thought of going out with him in public is still a little intimidating, but it gets easier every time.

It's been a challenging past 5 weeks (sorry it's been so long since I posted!). Besides figuring out how to make James more comfortable because of his gas and reflux issues, I've been having issues with thrush and then mastitis, and needed to be hospitalized. That was incredibly hard, to be very ill and be away from James. Luckily my mom was here to take care of the baby so I could focus on healing. My c-section incision is finally mostly healed, too. Things are looking up! We are so very blessed to have a wonderful support system. Our friends and family are just awesome. You know who you are. :)

We had professional photographs taken by Jayson and Rachael photography taken when he was one month old. Here are a couple of my favorites:

Next Sunday, the 14th, James will be baptized. It's very special for us because it will take place at the church Matt and I were married in, Providence Forge Presbyterian Church in New Kent. It's also my birthday, and I couldn't ask for a better present.

Here are a few pictures from the past month (ok, more than a's just so hard to pick the best!)

I just love this. NWU galore!

Right before his first air show on the beach (which he slept through). 

The boys :)

Happy 1 Month, Sweet Baby James!

James and Mr. Snuggles!! 

Budda Belly!

Big brother is watching...

Tummy time!

Auntie Alissa came for a visit in early June!

Daddy and baby cuddle time in bed

Grandma cuddles

Have you heard? The bird's the word! ( for the reference)

Mommy cuddle time

Baby Jamesasaurus smiling!

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." (and on the back: "Mischief managed") Love this onesie from my friend and fellow Harry Potter-phile Ashley!

Happy Fourth!

He has this expression quite often.

We call this his astronaut pose (taken July 6 by Aunt Kitty)

"I'm sorry sir...but the's not good." (I. love. this. bib. He's a little respiratory therapist!)

Katie also got me an absolutely beautiful and sentimental necklace for my birthday:

It's an emerald (James' birth stone) and a hammered sterling silver disc with his name on it. And a pearl, because I love pearls. I love mommy jewelry!

Hopefully we will be posting more now that we're getting into some sort of a routine and getting the hang of being a mommy and daddy. Thanks for reading! 


  1. i love all the pictures so much, i can't even decide which is my favorite! he is a DOLL!!!! xoxo
