I have every intention of updating this blog on a regular basis, but somehow it's fallen by the wayside. Not only am I ridiculously forgetful at this point in time, but I'm also easily distracted. When I have any downtime, I'm still trying to catch up on sleep. Not a good combo for trying to keep this updated.
We've been busy the past two months! James has grown into such a handsome little man. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow where we will find out just how much he has grown. I'm guessing 76 pounds. At 3 months he was wearing 0-3 and 3 month clothes. Now he's in 6-9 month clothes, one month later. He had a big growth spurt!
We are very excited that Michele and Jason will be having a baby in early February (and almost equally excited that we can finally talk about it), so James will have another adorable cousin to play with!
He went from smiling periodically to smiling frequently, and has started laughing with a deep belly laugh instead of a weird sort of short giggle he was doing for a couple of weeks. He responds to his name, is trying to say mama, and can see across a room now. His motor skills are improving every day, and he's discovered his feet, although he hasn't put them in his mouth by himself yet. He is very impatient, just like his mama. Crap. We've started to discover the joys of teething. He does sleep through the night most nights, which is just awesome! I never realized how much I loved sleep until I wasn't getting much.
We've gone to Busch Gardens, Chincoteague with Uncle Brian and Aunt Kitty, had our first overnight visit at Nonnie and Grandpa's house, and even went to the Military Aviation Museum. Our little family has been staying busy.
We also got a new vehicle-a Honda Odyssey. We love it!
At the end of October we are flying down to Orlando. Our first family vacation! Grandpa and Grandpa and Uncle Keith are very excited to see him again.
And now for wayyy too many pictures...but I can't just choose a few. Sorry.
3 months!
Oh hey girl.
Chincoteague baby! (We also discovered that he doesn't like horses-whether they're live, stuffed animals, or plastic figures...hmmmm...)
James's first trip to BGW!
James loved the sights and sounds of Das Festhaus.
Spock baby!
James having some cuddle time with Snuggles.
Discovering his foot. And yes, that is a giraffe on his head.
Happy boy!
Mini mohawk!
Future aviator.
With mommy at the Military Aviation Museum.
He wad doing so well with this teething toy and figured out how to put it in his mouth. The he took it out and poked himself in the eye. We were all laughing, but he didn't think he was very funny. He loves his exersaucer from Aunt Amy.
The reason the Broncos won against the Ravens.
Daddy's teaching James how to fly a little early.
One of the most amazing onesies ever! Love the Big Bang Theory. :)
Mommy and baby lunch date with Gima and her son Judson.
What a ham.
Four months!
Remember when he was this tiny?
Man, oh, man. He's just so awesome. I'm so proud and blessed to be his mom. It has been a challenging journey for sure, but he is our perfect and goofy baby boy.
Thanks for reading! Until next time....which will hopefully be before November.