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Thursday, February 14, 2013

27 Weeks, 2 Days (ish)

I'm finding it harder to be excited about the weeks when I'm not really sure what week I'm really at, but I'm still more excited than ever for baby James!

According to random baby websites, James should be about 2 pounds now (which is the same thing they said last week, what?) and is 14.5 inches long. One website said he's the size of a cauliflower (which is gross, so I won't post a picture, and we've already had a cauliflower size reference before) and the other says he's the size of a rutabaga...which he was a couple of weeks ago. There's not much consistency here.

James is definitely more active in the mornings, and his brain tissues and little lungs are continue to develop. He is opening and closing his eyes and may even be sucking on his fingers already.

This past week feels like the first trimester, exhaustion-wise. Oh. My. Gosh. I am just tired all the time! My nausea has been worse the past week, but I'm not sure why. It will be worth it.

There are some doctors/books/websites that say the third trimester starts at 26 weeks, others at 27, and still others at 28. So, I'm just considering myself in the third trimester now because I'm probably further than 27 weeks anyway. YAY third trimester! :) We got this, James!

He's not upside down yet (he is still kicking my left side/hip) but is rotating more instead of just staying sideways. I think he's running out of room! I can't sleep more than an hour or two at a time because of the pressure on my bladder. He's prepping me for that whole "no sleep" thing. This morning I got some tests done and my Tdap vaccine. We're right on schedule for a happy and healthy baby!

Happy almost-Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Valentine's Day to all four of you! Yes, even Sirius! Love You!
