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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

11 Weeks...for real!

Baby is now the size of a fig, or a small lime-a bit over 1.5 inches long and weighing about .25 ounces. So tiny, but so precious!

Baby is moving and stretching, and could be hiccuping already! I'm still convinced that the fluttering I felt about two weeks ago was the baby, even though I shouldn't be able to feel him/her at this point. I will feel periodic movements that almost tickle, so I know they aren't gas or something else. Maybe my chronic pelvic pain has made me more sensitive to baby's movements? Who knows. :)

My nausea comes and goes, and varies in intensity. I'm still very tired, and fell asleep like a rock last night. My cravings have expanded, which is good news nutrition-wise. I'm able to keep down more fruits and a variety of other foods (like whole grain pasta). 

Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pregnancy Q&A + Picture

This made me giggle. :)

This is a goofy picture, but guess what? There are FOUR people in this photo!! Also, you can definitely tell that my stomach is getting bigger. (Taken at Chris and Becky's Wedding 10-20-2012 in Richmond. Katie, don't hate me for posting this! It makes me laugh. :))

Thursday, October 18, 2012

10 Weeks, 2 Days

Matt got some beef jerky today, and I could spend the entire rest of the day just smelling the bag it came in. Oh, and eating it. SO. GOOD.

We have started cleaning out baby's room! There wasn't much in there to begin with, but we're giving a few things away to family and consolidating the rest of the items (most of which is Matt's computer stuff). We put the first piece of decor in the room! We're not sure what the theme will be, because that depends on the baby's gender, but this adorable painting (by Alissa!!) is so happy and perfect for a kid's room. 


We also got our first baby gift a few days ago-a cute plastic rattle from our Texas friend Gloria and her husband Ted. A few more cards have come in, and we feel so loved! It makes it so real. :) Plus, who doesn't love getting mail that's not junk or bills? And yesterday, we got a care package from my mom. SO much fun! Books, baby clothes, and an adorable crib sheet! I love baby stuff. :)

Nothing to report on the pregnancy front. Baby is doing well! 

Happy Thursday!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Change in Estimated Due Date + Sonogram!

The OB appointment today went great! I don't have BV, and everything looks great. They took fetal measurements, and based on that, baby is 9 Weeks and 6 Days, not 11 Weeks and 2 Days as we calculated based on my last period. Due date is now May 14, 2013 (as opposed to May 4, 2013). I'm disappointed that I'm not as close to the first trimester as I thought, but so happy that baby and I are healthy! They are increasing my thyroid medication, and are doing more testing this week to obtain baseline levels to compare to later on in pregnancy.

Without further is Baby (James Eric or Abigail Mary) Maclauchlan !

Baby is inside the gestational sac (the black area) with the head on the left and butt on the right, facing down. You can see his/her little arm. :)

Happy Monday!

11 Weeks, 2 Days

I forgot to post the info on baby's size and development in yesterday's blog post, so here it goes!

The baby is about the size of a lime right now (1.5-2 inches, although most limes I've seen are bigger. I don't know who comes up with this stuff.) and the bones are hardening. Baby's skin is still very transparent. Teeth and joints continue to develop, and baby will start moving his/her hands soon! Fingers and toes are no longer webbed. Hair follicles and nail beds are forming, too. Baby has been busy! Matt and I are so eager to see baby again at our October 26 appointment.

I have an appointment this afternoon with an OB to deal with the BV issue. I'm very happy I was able to make a same-day appointment, and am eager to hear what the doctor has to say. I'll keep everyone posted.

Happy Monday! 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

11 Weeks, 1 Day

ELEVEN WEEKS! We are so excited to almost be into the second trimester! We feel so incredibly blessed and just gosh darn lucky to be able to grow a little Maclauchlan.

A few days ago, we decided to announce our pregnancy on Facebook. All of our family and close friends knew, but once we saw the heartbeat and little baby Monday night, it became so much more real!  Once a heartbeat is visible, the chance of something going wrong drops significantly, which is why many women choose to wait to see the heartbeat before announcing their pregnancy to the world.

I'm pretty sure once our child is old enough to understand what Facebook was/is, they'll think it is incredibly lame, but this is the picture we both posted:

I posted: "Our bun should be done on May 4, 2013!"
Matt posted: "Our bun is in the oven! I'm going to be a daddy!"

There are many ways to "reveal" a pregnancy on Facebook, but because we had a limited budget (of $0) and no professional photographer, we thought this was cute. Two of my friends announced their pregnancy with shoes-a pair of his, hers, and baby shoes. Another one announced with a shot of his legs/feet, her legs/feet, and their two dogs' paws with a pair of baby shoes. I've also seen "Our house will be growing by two feet in month/year!" See a theme here? Baby feet are so cute! I also like the classic "First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage" rhyme. 

Yesterday, we went to Wal-Mart to do grocery shopping. When we got home, Matt posted on Facebook: "In all the years we've been together, I've never "allowed" Jillian to go down the baby stuff aisles in stores - I wanted to save that for when we were going to have a baby. We went down those aisles for the first time today." Awwwww, shucks! :) What he didn't post was that the really exciting thing we bought from the baby aisle was.............a nail clipper! (It was so cute and cheap, I couldn't say no.) We do have a baby registry on amazon, but are going to hold off on buying much until we find out the gender. I'm eager to check out garage sales and craigslist for good deals on used baby stuff (that comes from a cat-free and smoke-free home, of course). 

Besides back/hip pain and nausea, I'm doing well! I haven't gotten sick yet today, so that's good. I was only sick yesterday when we were in a car, so movement definitely triggers it. I hope the drive next weekend for the wedding goes smoothly, because I really don't want to throw up in my in-law's car. I've been carrying around a roll of (unused!) doggy poop bags that work well for when I'm sick and not at home. 

I am definitely showing more, although I'm not sure what percentage of that is bloating, and what is my internal organs moving upward to make room for my growing uterus. 

Cassie is now at 20 weeks (YAY!) and sent me this cool video/animation of how your body changes during pregnancy. It's mind blowing!

Hope everyone has a great Sunday. We love you!

Friday, October 12, 2012

10 Weeks, 6 Days

This post might be too much TMI for the guys, so heads up! (Sorry for the weird white background on the text. I can't figure out how to fix it.)

When I went to the ER Monday night, they did a bunch of tests and everything was ok, except that one of the swabs they took showed that I have bacterial vaginosis. The doctor said it's not a big deal and he was going to give me a topical cream to apply. Ok, cool. Fast forward to last night, when Matt gets home with the Rx (the pharmacy waiting times were 2 hours on Tuesday and Wednesday, hence the 2-day delay in getting the Rx), and it's Monistat 3, used to treat yeast infections. I'm thinking, ok, the doctor must know something I don't about this. So I googled it. Not only is Monistat-3 not good for treating anything but yeast infections, but Monistat-7 is the dosage that is supposed to be given to pregnant women. Also, Monistat is Category C. Matt and I decided to call the OB nurse in the morning and for me not to take the Monistat. 

I called the nurse this morning, and she confirmed that Monistat isn't an appropriate drug for bacterial vaginosis. She said they couldn't get me in for at least a week, and to call my regular provider. I called my regular provider, left a message for the nurse explaining the situation, and she called me back....and told me to call my OB. AGH! So I told her that they told me to call them (and that they couldn't get me in to be seen for a bit), and she said she needed to talk to the doctor again. 

She called me back a little bit ago, and the doctor said the medicine normally prescribed for BV is not recommended for pregnancy, and to eat yogurt and not to eat carbs or sugar. I'm not doubting the effectiveness of yogurt, but the thought of eating that is nauseating. With my m/s I can only keep carbs (bagels, toast, potatoes, cereal, etc.) down. Also, how do I know if the infection went away? I didn't know I even had it in the first place!

I'm just really frustrated by the ER doctor's mistake and lack of explanation and kind of lost as to what I should do now (besides attempting to eat yogurt). 

Update: I did some google research on BV during pregnancy, and it’s typically treated by oral antibiotics (Category B, safer for baby than Monistat), but those antibiotics aren’t good to take until the second trimester. BV is associated with preterm labor, but a lot of women (about 20%) get BV during pregnancy, and many don’t know it for a while. It seems like it can be hard to treat and can be recurring. 

Matt and I decided that I’ll try yogurt, see how I feel, and decide how to proceed next week. If I do need to be seen, I’d rather go to the OB (more experience in prenatal drugs and BV) but might not be able to get in for a bit. I could always just wait until my next appointment (October 26), but that seems so far away.

I guess the worrying has started…or, as my mom would probably say, is continuing. It’s hard to balance what is best for my body and what’s best for baby. Last night I felt like a horrible mother for getting the flu shot after reading some comments about women who had a miscarriage after getting the flu shot. Statistically, about 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, so the chance of the flu shot causing that is extremely rare. These hormones are not helping my worries and mood swings.

Matt, you’re the best! Thank you for putting up with me.

Otherwise, things are ok. Nausea/Vomiting is varying in intensity (yesterday was horrible, today is good), and although I’m having trouble getting comfortable, I am sleeping ok.

Thanks for reading! J

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10 Weeks, 4 Days

It has been a crazy week so far! On Sunday we went to Busch Gardens and had a blast! It was so much fun to spend time with Brian and Katie, as always. :) I didn't go on any rides, but did a fair amount of walking. This triggered sciatica in my left hip/leg that got so bad Sunday night I couldn't put weight on my left leg. Luckily, rubbing the nerve and a heating pad helped. I'm still having hip pain, but that could be from the pregnancy hormones or gout issues. It's not debilitating, so that makes me happy!

I was spotting on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, but it got a lot worse on Monday, so that evening we went to the ER. They took blood, urine, and did an ultrasound. The external ultrasound didn't show anything, but they did a transvaginal ultrasound and...WE SAW OUR BABY!!!! It was so perfect, and looked like a little gummy bear! We saw the little heart beating (around 150 bpm, which is great). It was such a relief to see that our little one is safe and moving around a bit in his cozy home. I'm so glad Matt was there with me, even though the ER visit ended up lasting 6 hours (there was confusion with the blood work, and the doctor forgot to order a test from the Pap Smear they did, so we had to wait much longer than we should have) and he only got two hours of sleep after having to work Tuesday. The doctor wouldn't let us take a picture of the ultrasound (or do a printout of it), which is irritating, but I understand it wasn't a normal ultrasound visit...they were just doing it to make sure the pregnancy was going ok. My spotting is almost nonexistent now. I think I pushed myself too much at Busch Gardens, so I need to take it easy. All the other tests came back ok, and I finally found out my blood type! It was exhausting and stressful, but I am so glad we were able to see our little baby! Looking at other women's ultrasounds, it looks like I may be closer to 9 weeks than 10 weeks, but I'll get more info at my next appointment (which is October 26, with an actual OB, and will include an ultrasound that I'll hopefully get a printout of!).

I had my first appointment yesterday at Portsmouth, but it was a group informational meeting with a nurse, not an OB. We filled out a bunch of paperwork and the nurse went over processes and procedures, resources, and classes. I feel much more organized now (which, as you know, is very important to me! :)). There are quite a few classes offered for free, so I/we will go to as many as possible. Some of them have freebies, too, which I won't turn down! After the meeting, I got blood work done, gave another urine sample, then got my flu shot. I was not going to get a flu shot because the only two years I got the shot, I got the flu, so I'm not fully convinced that it helps. However, because Matt works in a hospital and is exposed to many different things and probably exposes me to some of those bugs, we decided that it would be best for me to get the shot. Now my arms and hands hurt from the seven needles/IV's I've gotten the past two days, but baby is worth it!

An appointment was scheduled for me this afternoon, but it was with a midwife. Because I'm considered higher risk (borderline high BP, asthma, hypothyroidism, surgical history, the meds I'm on, etc.) I need to see an actual OB, so that's why my appointment was moved. I wish I could get in sooner, but Matt has the 26th off, so he can go with me and we can see the baby again together! I will also feel more comfortable with an OB because of my history. From this point forward, all my pregnancy-related appointments will be at Portsmouth (not at any area clinics). That's good, because I get the best care there, but parking can be crazy! I'm glad Matt was able to guide me around the hospital and explain the parking garage to me. The garage is definitely not as organized at BAMC in San Antonio because there are two main buildings at Portsmouth, and it's easy to confuse them. The aisles are also pretty narrow and people drive like they're not in an enclosed space, which is stressful. Oh, well! I'll get more comfortable with the parking situation over time, but need to allow extra time for parking (depending on the time, it can be hard to find a spot) and walking to the women's health area of the hospital.

My nausea/vomiting has been better overall (more nausea than vomiting), but today hasn't been great. I'm not sure if the flu shot has anything to do with it, but I'm not feeling great today. That's ok, because that means baby is doing well. :)

I'm having a hard time getting comfortable at night. Sleeping on my side hurts my hips, but sleeping on my back hurts my back (and sleeping on my stomach isn't an option). I've found myself changing positions more frequently during the night so I'm not putting pressure on any one area for too long.

My mom is coming up for Thanksgiving, and I can not WAIT to see her!!! It will be so nice to spend time with her and to get together with the family. My dad and brother won't be coming, though, and I really miss them. I might try to go down to Florida, but it depends on how I'm doing as the pregnancy progresses.

I'm not sure if I will be looking for a job in the coming weeks. Both of our moms feel very strongly about me not working and taking easy, and I would like to, but we need to discuss it further and with the doctor. I plan on taking it easy and relaxing as much as possible. Luckily, I have the best husband in the world that does almost all of the chores, goes grocery shopping/other errands, and makes sure I have whatever I need. He has been so wonderful, and I'm so lucky to be married to him. He'll be an amazing dad!

I am looking forward to a family wedding on October 20, and my appointment October 26. And for May, 2013. :)

Happy Wednesday!

P.S. Sirius wanted to dog-ear this page. HA!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

10 Weeks!

It's another weekly milestone, and we couldn't be more excited! My first OB appointment is also on Tuesday (no ultrasound, just a group info session), which will probably be boring but necessary. 

The baby is about the size of a prune right now, and is able to move his/her elbows. Most of the major organs are developed and functioning, and the fingers and toes are no longer webbed. What great progress! 

The baby is about as attractive as this prune right now...but perfect in every way!

On Wednesday, I only vomited once and felt great. I went to my primary care physician, and all of my vitals are doing great (which was a concern because some of my meds were changed)! They also took some blood and urine samples, but no news is good news. The hospital will be taking many more samples to test for many more things. Good thing I don't have an aversion to needles.

Yesterday, I didn't throw up at all! It was amazing. Granted, my nausea is still present and varies in intensity, but it was great to have a day with no vomiting. Unfortunately, today hasn't been as great, but that's ok. Baby is still causing hormones to go crazy!

As one woman posted on my online support group, "Isn't it crazy how reassuring it can be to be sick, uncomfortable and crabby?...I never had any symptoms with my baby I lost early either so I tried to relish every minute of being sick." So even though I am still feeling poorly, I am very happy to be feeling this way. 

I love getting anything in the mail that isn't a) junk mail or b) a bill, but getting a surprise package yesterday was so exciting! My sneaky mother-in-law bought me the fetal doppler I mentioned a few days ago. How exciting!! We tried to use it last  night, but were not able to find the heartbeat. I'm still pretty early, so I'm not concerned. It will be awesome to be able to hear it whenever I want once baby gets bigger. :)

We have also gotten a few cards in the mail congratulating us on our big news. It gives me such warm fuzzies! :)

We are going to Busch Gardens with Brian and Katie tomorrow, and I can't wait! I hope my nausea behaves, and that I have enough energy to not slow them down. It will be fun to get out of the house, although I have been getting motion sickness when in a car. (Don't worry, moms, I'm not going to go on any rides!) 

Happy Saturday!

P.S. If you haven't done the ExpectNet Baby Pool yet, you should! :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

9 weeks, 4 days

I sooooo want one of these fetal dopplers. Necessary? No. AMAZING? Yes.

I can't really justify the cost, but the women on my online May 2013 due date group love these things, and a google search shows that they get positive reviews. Just the thought of hearing my baby's heartbeat (any. time. I. want.) makes my heart race. :)

Not much to update today! Baby and I are doing well. We couldn't keep dinner down last night, and it seems like the past few days my nausea has been worse as the day progresses. The first couple of weeks were always worse in the morning. I have been feeling hungry more, which is a good sign (I'm not just eating because I'm nauseous and need something in my stomach). I'm tired because we didn't sleep well last night, but that means that I'll sleep well tonight.

Pregnancy slows the digestion process down, and I'm definitely noticing that. Food stays in my stomach longer, and takes longer to go through intestines. This is so my body can extract more nutrients out of the food/liquid to nourish baby. I sure hope baby likes gatorade and saltines. Sometimes I can only eat small meals or I'll throw up, and other times I could eat an elephant and not get sick.

We are so excited to see Brian and Katie this weekend! I hope I have enough stamina to not slow everyone down at Busch Gardens. Regardless, it will be so great to see them. :)

Jason is coming over tonight, and we can't wait to see him, Mr. Newly Married Maclauchlan! There are perks to living in a city where people come for training seminars/business-we get to see family more!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

9 Weeks, 3 Days

Good morning! Baby and I didn't sleep very well last night because I woke up every 1-2 hours to pee, so we might take a nap today.

My vomiting is a bit better, but my nausea is still persistent. I've been able to expand the food groups a little bit, and cereal is my go-to meal. Not the healthiest, but a lot better than just potatoes or pasta all the time. I'm getting better at keeping things down, but that might also have something to do with the fact that I'm nibbling throughout the day on crackers and graham crackers, and eat a small meal every 3-4 hours. I've also started drinking more liquids-decaf black tea with honey, gatorade, and apple juice, because plain water makes me nauseous...sometimes. I know water is best, but if I throw that up it doesn't do much good.

Even though I'm sleepy, I feel like I have a bit more energy and focus compared to last week. I'm fortunate to be able to relax during the day and not have to worry about work (although I sure miss those paychecks!).

I'm having some mild cramping and lower back pain (both normal), but am starting to find it increasingly difficult to get comfortable. My legs feel heavier but that could be some water weight. I have been sleeping on my side with a pillow between my knees...already, the pregnancy sleeping position begins. :)

I have been less coordinated (maybe because my center of gravity is shifting, or maybe because I'm just plain clumsy) and I keep stubbing my toes. Stubbing a toe hurts, but stubbing a toe after having a rod put in a few months ago is excruciating. I need to watch where I'm going more. Or just confine myself to a padded room.

Matt has been wonderful, going to the store if we need anything, and making sure I have everything I need. I hope he doesn't think I'm taking him for granted, because I'm definitely not! I am not the easiest person to live with normally, but with these crazy hormones, he, as my mom stated, "should be nominated for sainthood." That pretty much sums it up. He's the best. <3

My anxiety is pretty much the same, although I'm trying to take deep breaths and pray whenever I have negative thoughts. I had a nightmare last night (involving the baby), so waking up was a huge relief. There are so many unknowns, but I have to give it up to God or I'll drive myself crazy.

Our first ob/gyn appointment is a week from today! That seems so much closer than it did last week. And hopefully we will get an ultrasound shortly after that. We can't wait to see the baby and hear his/her heartbeat!

I think it's funny that on the Baby Pool, the boys are guessing it will be a boy, and the girls are guessing it will be a girl. Hmmmm. :)

Happy Tuesday!