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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

30 Weeks!!!!

We can't believe we're 75% there. Only 10 more weeks to go! Well, actually, 9, but I'll get to that in a minute.

According to baby websites, James weighs 3-3.5 pounds, is about 15-17 inches from head to heel, and is the size of a cucumber or cabbage. I'm pretty sure we've used cucumber before, but just for the fun of it, here it is.
An English Hothouse Cucumber.


James's eyes are now open a good amount of the time, but his vision is...horrible, to put it nicely. He might have a full head of hair, and red blood cells are forming in his bone marrow. His super smart brain is getting more wrinkly as it grows. Little James's hands have enough strength to grasp a finger. Awwww! :) He's surrounded by a pint and a half of amniotic fluid right now, but that amount will decrease as he gets bigger and takes up more room in the womb. 

For the first time, this picture actually reflects James's actual position! 
He's lower than this baby, but you get the idea. :)

I had an OB appointment on Friday, and that went well. My BP is great and my weight hasn't changed (as long as I'm not losing but James keeps gaining, that's good). His heart rate was in the 150's. 

We had a growth scan (ultrasound) yesterday, and we got lots of good information. He weighs 3 pounds, 9 ounces, and is measuring 2 weeks ahead. He's in the 50th percentile for growth for 32 week babies. That's good, though! He is head down and is very very low. I felt him move the other day and thought he moved head down, so I'm glad I was able to confirm that. He's facing my spine, which is the perfect position for birth. The ultrasound tech thought it was funny that he was already prepping for birth, ten weeks early. He's a planner, just like his mommy and daddy! Although he could still change positions up to 36-37 weeks or so, the tech and doctor don't think he's going anywhere because he is so low and really wedged down in there. He was very wiggly during the exam, but we were not able to get able to get any pictures because of his position. Doesn't look like we'll be able to get any more pictures until he's born. We did get one picture of his leg and it looks like a chicken wing. His legs are sooooo long! His heart rate was 159. It is so cool to go to the ultrasounds and see how big he and all of his organs and bones are getting. When I saw how big his heart has gotten I started tearing up. So amazing!

They are not changing my due date, but if I don't go into labor before 39 weeks (May 7), they're going to induce me as a precaution because of some medical issues I have. It's better to err on the side of caution and not wait until 40 weeks, especially because he has been measuring big. The date of conception still isn't clear, so it's possible I'm already 32 weeks (as I've mentioned) right now but they don't want to "officially" change my due date. I have a feeling James will arrive before 39 weeks. I hope I don't have to be induced, but as long as he is healthy, that is all that matters. :) 

My next ultrasound is in mid-April. I'm going to start weekly fetal monitoring (non stress test) in two weeks. This will monitor his heart rate and any contractions I may be having. Between these appointments, my regular OB appointments, my baby shower, and baby-related classes, I'll be staying very busy until he's born!

His kicks/punches continue to get stronger. When he moves, my whole belly moves. Because he is so low, my sciatica and lower back pain have been worse. There's not much that helps it besides massage, which is frustrating. It makes sleeping very awkward. Leaning forward can help with the pain, but with my belly in the way, that's a challenge. Luckily, my heartburn has been better since he moved head down, but it's still there. My lungs are still being compressed, and I hate that feeling. He has been kicking my ribs more...that doesn't feel great! My nausea comes and goes, but I have been getting sick less often. I've also been eating more small meals to combat nausea and vomiting. Despite all this, I know how blessed we are to be creating a life, and he will be worth every moment of pain or discomfort. 

We can't wait to meet our precious James!
Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to meet your 'little man' but I know it is in his best interest to wait! Patience, patience, patience! Love, Mutti
