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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

31 Weeks

As I write this, James is using my uterus as a bouncy house. The leftover sweet tea I was drinking might have something to do with that. The other day I thought he changed positions-it was the most intense movement I've ever felt, like an earthquake in my belly-but I think he was just...stretching? Or just being a bouncy baby. 

At this point, James's central nervous system can regulate his body temperature and his fat stores have increased (hence the weight gain). Baby websites say he weighs 2.5-3.8 pounds (nah, he's a big boy) and is about 16 inches long. 16 inches!!! Remember when he was 3 inches? He's been very productive. He can turn his head from side to side now, too.

16 inches...about the size of a....


Ohemgee, this makes me so happy. I. Love. Pineapples. They're a symbol of hospitality, so a lot of signs and items from the olden days (especially in Virginia) have a pineapple on them. I think we have 10 pineapple-related items throughout the house. Not as many pineapples as gnomes, but we're getting there. In case you are interested, here is an article on the Social History of the Pineapple. (I couldn't make that up if I tried.) Anyway, moving on....

Another fruit comparison: four naval oranges (why four of one fruit, when the best fruit of all-pineapple-will do?)

For a non-fruit visual:
Baby is getting more comfortable...and low. (I love how the little pointer that says "fat" points to the entire baby.)

The other night, Matt asked what the first book we read to James should be. I thought for a moment, then realized I couldn't pick just one. He decided that the book "All of Life is a School" by Kermit Weeks would be perfect, and I suggested that we read it to him that night. Why wait until he's born? He can hear us now. :) 

Background: Kermit Weeks is the owner of Fantasy of Flight, a hybrid amusement park/airplane collection between Orlando and Tampa. Matt and I have been there a few times, and just love it. On our last visit, Kermit did a demo flight and talked with guests afterwards. We had bought the children's book in the gift shop (it is a great story with animated planes as the characters) and asked him to sign it. He asked who he should make it out to, and I said "Our yet-to-be-conceived child?" He let out a short laugh, asked us our last name, then wrote on the page. 


Tonight is James's first astronomy event! We are going to a science fair with the astronomy club Matt is part of. So nerdy, and so adorable. I hope James already knows all the planets, or his dad will be very disappointed.

I am going to an all day Baby Boot Camp (yes, that's the title) class at the naval hospital this Thursday, and the non-stress tests start next Wednesday. This weekend we get to spend some time with Nonnie and Grandpa!

My belly is getting so big the maternity shirt barely covers it!

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. You look absolutely beautiful! I love the tidbit about Kermit Weeks and the thought of you and Matthew reading a book to James this early in his life! I enjoy reading your blog updates...I can visualize a pineapple/baby :) He'll be as sweet as a pineapple...can't wait to hold him.
