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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Halfway There-20 Weeks!!!

Today is a very big milestone for us-we're halfway through the pregnancy! In a few weeks, baby James will be able to survive outside of the womb (although we hope he stays in for another 20 weeks). And...MERRY CHRISTMAS, everyone!!! Being pregnant (with a very wiggly baby) is the best gift we could ask for.

Baby James is getting bigger! Matt noticed that the length of the baby we've been writing on the blog (which we get from a couple different websites as well as a baby development tracking calendar we printed) is the crown-to-rump length of the baby - from his head to his butt, not head to toe. Earlier, I read on BabyCenter's website that for the first 20 weeks, when baby's legs are curled up towards his torso and hard to measure, measurements are crown-to-rump, but after 20 weeks, baby is measured from head to toe. James is 6.5 inches this week crown-to-rump, but is really 10 inches from about half the length that he'll be when he's born! Although right now he's only about 10.5 ounces, so he'll be gaining a lot more weight!

Our little one is about the length of a banana right now.
But hopefully not this yellow.


James has been much more active, especially yesterday. He was kicking up a storm! Feeling him kick is the most amazing feeling in the world, and reminds me why all this nausea/vomiting/back pain/headaches/blahness is worth it! 

We celebrated Christmas with Matt's family and got lots of goodies for baby James! A swing, high chair, clothes, pack 'n play, crib mattress, play mat...and the awesome stroller and car seat combo that was on our registry! We also got some awesome books, I got pair of bow earrings (I LOVE BOWS!), and some gift cards for date nights. We are very spoiled. I also got a Christmas package from my mom today with lots of adorable baby clothes, a bow ring (did I mention that I love bows?), Butterbeer "mugs," a sweet teddy bear/blank combo, and a spongebob hooded towel. Matt got me a silicone whisk and pastry blender (YAY!), a hook he made when he was blacksmithing (awww), and the sweetest gift that made me cry....a Broncos baby blanket. (He wrote a letter that included "This gift will show how  much I'm willing to sacrifice for James." HA. He's so funny.)


Hope everyone has a great Christmas and a wonderful 2013. So much to look forward to. We love you! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

19 Weeks

Almost halfway there....and only one week until Christmas! Happiness abounds. :)

James has been very busy. I felt him kick for the first time on Friday (December 14), which was amazing! He's been a little wiggle worm.

On Saturday I met with Jayson and Rachael, the photographers doing my maternity shoot, and we decided that the beginning of March would be a good time to do them. We will be taking the photos in Colonial Williamsburg. Woohoo!

I also got my hair cut at Urban Escape in Providence Forge-amazing, as always! My stylist did a blow out, which I haven't had done in....5 years? It looked great!

If only I had the patience to do this every day...:)

I was able to have some wonderful quality time with Eric and Maria. I was planning on driving home Saturday afternoon/evening, but by the time we got home it was dark and I was tired, so I stayed the night. I borrowed a pair of pajama pants from Maria and one of Eric's undershirts to sleep in. When I walked out into the living room wearing those clothes, my belly was very noticeable. Maria said she will feel very bad for me in the third trimester (because I'll be huge by then!) and Eric said that shirt looked a little tight, but that he has a tarp in the garage they could sew together to make something that would fit my growing belly. HAHAHA, he's so funny. I also think he's the only person that could say that without me getting mad. Anyway, on Saturday we went to Noodles and Co. in was SOOOOO (sooo!!!) good. We went to Home Depot, BJ's, and Kohls, then went home. I love being so close to family! It was great to see Brian and Katie in the evening-we all watched the ultrasound video from the 10th together. I love seeing our little baby! 

We are looking forward to the Christmas get-together this weekend. Matt is working over the holiday, so we're celebrating early. I've started some baking but will be doing most of it on Friday and Saturday. 

James weight about 8.5 ounces right now (half a pound!!) and is about 6 inches long. One website said he's the size of a Mango, and another says a heirloom tomato. I've never seen a tomato that big, but I like the picture, so here goes.

Something like these. But you know, with limbs and an adorable little face.

This is a very funny visual, but pretty accurate. He's starting to get pretty smushed in there! He spends a lot of his time with his legs crossed. I think his legs are very long, so I can't blame him. :)

Vernix Caseosa (that white greasy stuff) now coats his skin to protect it from the amniotic fluid. Not really pleasant to think about, but a necessary step for little James (and babies everywhere)! His arms and legs are now proportionate to the rest of his body, as we saw in the ultrasound, and hair may be starting to grow on his little head. 

My nausea has been a bit worse recently, and I've been having more round ligament pain (the ligaments that support the base of my belly). There has been less cramping, which is reassuring to this mama! The kicks/flutters from James only come every so often, and I can't wait until they are consistent. It's such an awesome feeling, and reminds me that the not-so-pleasant pregnancy side effects are totally worth it. 

Can't wait to post next week. We're almost halfway, and then we get to meet our precious James! 

Hope everyone has a wonderful week. We love you!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

18 Weeks

Only 2 more weeks and we're halfway done! Then the really challenging part comes around...parenthood!

James (we know baby's name now, yay!)  is busy wiggling, punching, kicking, yawning, rolling, twisting, sucking and swallowing around, myelin is developing around his nerves, and his ears are in their final place. You can sort of see them in some of the ultrasound pictures from yesterday. He's just so handsome, if I do say so myself.

He is now the size of a sweet potato-about 5.5-6" long, and weighs 7 ounces. He's getting so big and strong!
This length, but much cuter. And with limbs.

I don't feel him move all the time, but when I do, it's still a fluttering/ticklish kind of sensation, like there's a butterfly flying around in my uterus. Within the next few weeks I'll start feeling him really kick. I can't wait until Matt can feel him!

Baby James, you are the light of our life. We are beyond blessed, and can't wait to welcome you into this world and meet you for the first time. We love you more than we will ever be able to express. Seeing you last night via ultrasound and finding out you are a boy was such an amazing experience for daddy and I. Stay cozy and safe for 22 more weeks, then we (and all our family) will shower you with love and kisses and hugs.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Monday, December 10, 2012

It's a BOY!!! (+ultrasound pictures!)

We had our second (well, really, our third) elective ultrasound tonight, and James was not shy. He's all boy! He was such a wiggle worm, and showed his goods within a few seconds. The tech said he looks perfect. We are beyond blessed and so excited! I have no clue how I'm going to sleep tonight. :)

Introducing...James Eric Maclauchlan!

There's a little baby boy in there!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

17 Weeks, 1 Day (+Video)

2 weeks, 6 days until Christmas, which also means 2 weeks, 6 days until I'm 20 weeks. Time is starting to go by much quicker. The fact that I'm focusing less on everything that could go wrong and focusing more on the baby, his/her movements, enjoying pregnancy as much as I can, and doing things I enjoy is a contributing factor. I'm also getting motion sickness less often, although I'm still experiencing nausea and vomiting pretty bad this week. It's progress!

Baby Mac is now the size of an Onion!

Much cuter than this.

(S)he is about 5-5.5 inches and weighs about 5 ounces. The biggest development this week is that baby's bones are turning from cartilage to bone, and fat is starting to grow under their skin. Sweat glands are develop, and fingerprints are now in place. Imagine how tiny those little fingerprints are!

Matt created a short (and funny) video with some images from the ultrasound on Saturday.

John Carter is an inside joke, so don't let that confuse you. We're just being silly. 

We are looking forward to going to Busch Gardens this Saturday, woohoo! Christmas Town is amazing. :)

I haven't been feeling great this week, so thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated! I was having some mild cramping yesterday and today, so I called the nurse. She said as long as I'm not having bleeding, to just rest and stay hydrated. I have a doctor's appointment next Wednesday so I will express my concerns then - but apparently having mild cramping around this time (and really, throughout pregnancy) is normal. I'm trying not to worry about every little thing, but that's hard for me.

Baby Mac, I love you, precious little one! Stay safe and happy in your little home for now until late April or May. 

Happy Wednesday, everyone! 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

16 Weeks, 4 Days Ultrasound Pictures

We went to our elective ultrasound yesterday, but baby was very sleepy and not wiggly enough to allow us to see his/her gender. I even had some sweet tea and drank a coke during the ultrasound (caffeine and sugar are supposed to help baby be more active). Baby will be in time out right when they are born. :) We will try again on December 10. The good news is that everything else looks good and baby looks cozy and happy! It was neat to have Matt, Eric, Maria, Brian, and Katie there, too! We will also have our anatomy scan at the hospital in late December or early January. Lots to look forward to!

We got a video from the ultrasound yesterday, but I can't figure out how to upload it. So, I took some pictures of the video. They're not the best, but you can sort of see baby!

This is baby head-on. 

Another (slightly creepier) head-on.

Look at that little arm!

Cutest profile ever.