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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Halfway There-20 Weeks!!!

Today is a very big milestone for us-we're halfway through the pregnancy! In a few weeks, baby James will be able to survive outside of the womb (although we hope he stays in for another 20 weeks). And...MERRY CHRISTMAS, everyone!!! Being pregnant (with a very wiggly baby) is the best gift we could ask for.

Baby James is getting bigger! Matt noticed that the length of the baby we've been writing on the blog (which we get from a couple different websites as well as a baby development tracking calendar we printed) is the crown-to-rump length of the baby - from his head to his butt, not head to toe. Earlier, I read on BabyCenter's website that for the first 20 weeks, when baby's legs are curled up towards his torso and hard to measure, measurements are crown-to-rump, but after 20 weeks, baby is measured from head to toe. James is 6.5 inches this week crown-to-rump, but is really 10 inches from about half the length that he'll be when he's born! Although right now he's only about 10.5 ounces, so he'll be gaining a lot more weight!

Our little one is about the length of a banana right now.
But hopefully not this yellow.


James has been much more active, especially yesterday. He was kicking up a storm! Feeling him kick is the most amazing feeling in the world, and reminds me why all this nausea/vomiting/back pain/headaches/blahness is worth it! 

We celebrated Christmas with Matt's family and got lots of goodies for baby James! A swing, high chair, clothes, pack 'n play, crib mattress, play mat...and the awesome stroller and car seat combo that was on our registry! We also got some awesome books, I got pair of bow earrings (I LOVE BOWS!), and some gift cards for date nights. We are very spoiled. I also got a Christmas package from my mom today with lots of adorable baby clothes, a bow ring (did I mention that I love bows?), Butterbeer "mugs," a sweet teddy bear/blank combo, and a spongebob hooded towel. Matt got me a silicone whisk and pastry blender (YAY!), a hook he made when he was blacksmithing (awww), and the sweetest gift that made me cry....a Broncos baby blanket. (He wrote a letter that included "This gift will show how  much I'm willing to sacrifice for James." HA. He's so funny.)


Hope everyone has a great Christmas and a wonderful 2013. So much to look forward to. We love you! 

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