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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

17 Weeks, 1 Day (+Video)

2 weeks, 6 days until Christmas, which also means 2 weeks, 6 days until I'm 20 weeks. Time is starting to go by much quicker. The fact that I'm focusing less on everything that could go wrong and focusing more on the baby, his/her movements, enjoying pregnancy as much as I can, and doing things I enjoy is a contributing factor. I'm also getting motion sickness less often, although I'm still experiencing nausea and vomiting pretty bad this week. It's progress!

Baby Mac is now the size of an Onion!

Much cuter than this.

(S)he is about 5-5.5 inches and weighs about 5 ounces. The biggest development this week is that baby's bones are turning from cartilage to bone, and fat is starting to grow under their skin. Sweat glands are develop, and fingerprints are now in place. Imagine how tiny those little fingerprints are!

Matt created a short (and funny) video with some images from the ultrasound on Saturday.

John Carter is an inside joke, so don't let that confuse you. We're just being silly. 

We are looking forward to going to Busch Gardens this Saturday, woohoo! Christmas Town is amazing. :)

I haven't been feeling great this week, so thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated! I was having some mild cramping yesterday and today, so I called the nurse. She said as long as I'm not having bleeding, to just rest and stay hydrated. I have a doctor's appointment next Wednesday so I will express my concerns then - but apparently having mild cramping around this time (and really, throughout pregnancy) is normal. I'm trying not to worry about every little thing, but that's hard for me.

Baby Mac, I love you, precious little one! Stay safe and happy in your little home for now until late April or May. 

Happy Wednesday, everyone! 

1 comment:

  1. Too funny...I'm surprised you posted a picture of an onion! Some onions are smaller than avocados, especially if they originate from Sheila G.'s avocado tree! I love reading your posts: ) Sweat glands, bones, and miraculous! Have fun at Busch Gardens and enjoy all the Christmas decorations. Opt for a wheel chair and drink H2O! Lots of love being sent your way.
