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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

21 Weeks, 1 Day

The day got away from me yesterday, but we've reached the 21 week point. Yay! James has been more wiggly, usually in the mornings starting around 4 or 5 (not the best thing for my sleep, but hey, I better get used to it). I just love feeling him move around! It is such a blessing.

My nausea has been a little bit better-it's not constant all the time now, but when it comes on it's very intense. I am getting sick every other day now, so that's progress. I'll take whatever relief I can get!

James just started moving. I think he knew I was talking about him.

So, where is James development-wise? He's a regular Einstein! No, not really. He still has a little way to go before he reaches that point.

His taste buds are able to recognize different tastes, his bones are strengthening (which is why I can feel him more, yay!), and the skin layers are starting to develop. His digestive system is developing and produce by-product (ew) while his brain is growing bigger and more powerful every day. He's about 10.5 inches long and weighs around 12 ounces.

Up to this point, I've been putting a fruit comparison up here to give y'all a rough of idea of how big our baby boy is. But it's getting kind of silly. One site says he's the size of a carrot:

And another says he's the size of a Pomegranate.

That seems like a pretty big size discrepancy to me. No one in the pregnancy forum/blog world really understands the fruit comparisons as the pregnancy progresses. The lengths don't make sense (have you ever seen a 10.5 inch pomegranate?), but neither do the weights (a carrot is most certainly not 3/4 of a pound. I think they're useful in the beginning of pregnancy to describe the fetus size-a blueberry, raspberry, olive, prune, etc. But at this stage? Not so much. I'll still use them for entertainment purposes, because I find them to be funny and colorful. I think we all have a rough idea of how long 10.5 inches is, and how heavy 12 ounces is (are? is? are?). 

I think this picture is a better representation of baby's size, but I envy how flat this woman's stomach still is. I'll be honest. I look at my belly in the mirror a lot more than I thought I would. Not because I think it's huge or ugly or I'm vain, but because I look at that belly and see our past, present, and future. I see my belly grow just a liiiiitle bit more each day, and know that our precious, most valuable gift is inside. And it's just such a beautiful miracle. We are so blessed. I can't wait to meet our little man, but need to be patient (and James, don't come out until May). 

One of my dear friends from high school recently had a baby boy and he is just so adorable! Looking at his pictures makes me so eager to be able to hold and feed and cuddle with our precious James...and to take pictures of James and his daddy. Babies are just so awesome. 

My cravings seem to be more intense, and I had my first craving for ice cream the other night. I'm still not able to stomach the smell/taste/texture of most produce, so my nutrition isn't the best. My OB isn't concerned about that (mainly because I'm taking my prenatal vitamin regularly), but I'm wondering if she will say anything about the fact that I've lost another 3 pounds at my visit January 10. Oops.

We have our anatomy scan on January 4 (this Friday) two days, holy cow! This is probably be our last ultrasound until I go into labor, so it's extra special. I have to show up with a full bladder, and the scan takes 30 minutes to an hour. That will not be very pleasant. But I can't wait to see pictures of little James. 

Nonnie and Grandpa are coming down on Saturday. It feels like forever since we've seen them, even though it's only been a week and a half. :)

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday (and week)!

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