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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

22 Weeks

James weighs almost a pound now (about 14 ounces) and is about 11 inches long. Which is the length of a...

Spaghetti Squash!

He does spend a lot of time upside down.

He's developing like a champ. Little tooth buds are growing under his gums, and his eyes have formed. He looks more like a baby every day and less like a little alien (although he was a very cute looking alien). 

The anatomy scan went well. We have to go back February 4 because they couldn't get good pictures of his spine or kidneys and one area of his heart. Everything else looks wonderful! He was showing off his scrotum and penis quite a bit during the scan, and was very wiggly. He's so handsome. The top of my uterus is now above my belly button, growing to make room for the little man as he gets big and strong.

Nausea and headaches have been bad the past couple of days, but feeling him move and seeing him makes everything worth it. 

I think the sweatshirt hides how big I'm getting, but I feel like a cow. And I love it! (Taken yesterday.)

Matt's parents came down Saturday and we had tons of fun! They brought a bunch of cute goodies for James (clothes, blankets, etc.) and we went to Target after lunch and got more onesies. We had lunch at Gordon Biersch, and I would eat there every day if I could. I had a buffalo-style burger with garlic fries and I can't stop thinking (or talking) about it. It was just beyond amazing. Ahhhhh. :) I've also been eating a lot of veggie subs. So delicious. It's nice to be able to eat real food again, and keep down protein. Most of the time, anyway. 

Sunday Matt and I went through all our baby stuff and we have so many goodies! We are so spoiled. 

Sirius met a baby this week and he did so well! He's great with kids, but it was so nice to know he's just as good with babies. What a good pup.

My friend Gima (that I met through the online pregnancy forum I'm a part of) is also due in May, and is a Navy wife. We met up a few weeks ago and will be getting together again this week. Yay! She is awesome. 

Cassie put a cute survey on her blog and I thought I'd include it here. 

Baby Size? Spaghetti Squash
How far along?  22 weeks 
Total Weight Gain? No weight gain, about 12 pounds lost at this point from my original pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity Clothes? Heck yes! At home I normally just wear sweats/yoga pants/pj's and sweatshirt, but when I'm out it's maternity jeans or dress pants and any top that fits. 
Stretch Marks? Yep.
Sleep? Not fantastic. I wake up when James wakes up, so my sleep schedule isn't very normal. It's also hard to get comfortable. I primarily sleep on my right side because of the sciatica issues on my left. 
Miss Anything? Wine, infrequent peeing, not being nauseous and vomiting. 
What I'm going to miss about pregnancy?  James's movements/kicks, the overall miracle of pregnancy, and stretchy clothes!
Movement? Yes, and I love it! I can tell when he is sleeping or awake. Matt hasn't felt him yet, though. Hopefully soon!
Food Cravings? Oh my good Lord, yes. At first it was buffalo sauce, wings, buffalo chicken subs, and spicy foods. Then all I could keep down was boring foods (cheerios, graham crackers, gatorade). Now I have more, veggie subs with chips, garlic anything, hamburgers and fries. I'm still having trouble keeping down produce if it's not surrounded by carbs. I occasionally crave sweets (ice cream) but not nearly as much as I thought I would...or as much as I did before pregnancy. Basically, unhealthy foods. I'm still in the eating-what-I-can-keep-down phase.
Gender? Baby Boy :)
Labor Signs? I have some cramping if I'm dehydrated, and periodic Braxton Hicks.
Belly Button In or Out? In...hasn't popped out at all.
Wedding Rings On or Off? On. I actually had to put one of those little plastic ring size things on to tighten it up.
Symptoms? Nausea/Vomiting, back pain, headaches, heartburn, hemorrhoids, peeing frequently, a general uncomfortableness (but it's worth it!)
Looking Forward To? OB appointment Thursday, ultrasound in February, my shower in March (and seeing my mama again at the same time!)

Happy Tuesday! Love to you all from our little family. 


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