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Sunday, November 25, 2012

15 Weeks, 5 Days

My mom flew in on Tuesday (when I "turned" 15 weeks), and we've been busy shopping, baking, and enjoying each other's company! She left last night (sad face), but I'll see her again soon.

Thanksgiving was fun. We were able to spend some quality time with family, and there was an amazing spread of food! Unfortunately, I couldn't keep anything down except a slice of pumpkin pecan cheesecake...but that was delicious! Friday we had leftovers and we made a new recipe-Panera's Macaroni and Cheese! I've tried to duplicate this recipe many a times, but found the recipe on their website and it's truly amazing. As a plus, it's pretty easy to make, and tastes just as great the next day (which is saying something, because normally I won't eat leftover macaroni and cheese because it's more oily and less cheesy the second day). Here's the recipe if you're interested: I'm also able to keep this down-yay.

Baby is about the size of an apple, but not green:

At the beginning of 15 Weeks, baby was about 4 inches long and weighed about two and a half ounces. (S)he can sense light even though the eyelids are still fused shut, and has the beginnings of taste buds. A big step in baby's life is occurring this week-baby's lungs are developing! (S)he is starting to inhale amniotic fluid through their nose and mouth, helping the air sacs in the lungs grow nice and strong. Our little peanut is growing up so fast already.

Baby is moving around more. :)

We'll be 16 Weeks (16!!!) on Tuesday, woohoo! We will be having the private ultrasound done on Saturday, December 1, so hopefully we can find out if our little one is a boy or girl. I have a gift for Matt if it's a boy and another one if it's a girl. If we don't find out the gender at this ultrasound, I'll have my anatomy scan near the end of December of beginning of January, so we should be able to find out then. 

Matt and I went to Norfolk (MacArthur Center and the Norfolk Admirals hockey game) last Saturday and had so much fun! I love this picture. :)

Happy week, everyone!

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